Angela Ucci


Saved from New Age by the grace of God.

Delivered in Jesus’ name.

I spent most of my twenties forming sexual trauma bonds with unavailable men, addicted to weed and entrenched in the occult convinced I was a “self-healer.” For a decade, no matter what I did - losing 120 lbs, practicing yoga and reiki, reading self-help books, following self-care routines, manifestation, chakra-cleansing, meditation, astrology, tarot - I was still depressed, hopeless and seeking.

Until I gave my life to Jesus.


Heaven & Healing Podcast is a podcast and ministry I have created by the grace of God to expose demonic deception of New Age spirituality, share coming-to-Christ testimonies, engage in cultural discourse with a biblical framework in context to secularism, politics and current events, educate on Christian apologetics, and assert the very real supernatural healing & gifts imparted from Holy Spirit. My prayer is to plant seeds of faith that God may use in softening hearts to accept Jesus Christ as Lord & Savior and receive deliverance in His name.

Ultimately, every episode of Heaven & Healing Podcast has a simple goal: to honor Scripture and proclaim Jesus Christ as the Way, the Truth and the Life. John 14:6

Exposing deception. Sharing gospel. Realizing salvation.

Exposing deception. Sharing gospel. Realizing salvation.

It is my most sincere prayer to Almighty God that this podcast & ministry will consistently grow by reaching many around the world who are lost in the darkness; that Holy Spirit would use this ministry to convict sin, provoke repentance, burn away unclean spirits and pour healing over the audience as they surrender to Jesus Christ.

Daughter of Christ. Student of His Word. Vessel of His Spirit.

Heaven & Healing Podcast is available now on YouTube, Apple, Spotify or Podbean!